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ARCS Foundation Launches New Website

Posted on Thursday, June 23, 2011

The long awaited and newly designed ARCS Foundation website has been launched.  Named Project Mercury, the new website represents the culmination of six months and countless hours of work by dozens of dedicated members of ARCS Foundation from every chapter across the country.   By every measure, it is the very largest project ever undertaken by ARCS Foundation in our 53 –year history and we are about to experience  a vastly improved way to conduct business in our Chapters and the National Board.  Special thanks go to Chicago chapter member and National Board Director of Information Strategies, Lynda Birkelbach, and Minnesota chapter member and National Board At-Large Affiliate, Jenny Edstrom, for their tireless dedication to the completion of this project.

The new website will be very user friendly.  Every ARCS Foundation member will have access to up-to-date information about activities in other chapters and the national board as well as calendars with their own chapter activities and meetings.  We will be able to register for chapter events such as Awards Dinners or field trips and National events like the National Annual Meeting or National Board meetings online.  Event organizers will be able to print nametags from the online registration list and keep track of fees and donations, then print out an event report!  Online registration will automatically migrate to member profiles in order to keep track of who attended each event for better record keeping. 

Information for our academic partners and scholar alums will be readily available.  Maintaining contact with our almost 10,000 alums – our greatest ARCS Ambassadors – was a driving force in developing this new website.  It will be much easier for our scholar alums to update their scholar profiles and keep in contact with their parent chapters.  They will even be able to submit articles to the website and E-Newletter.